WebSphere Password Decoder
http://www.sysman.nl/WASDecoder/Q.1. What is ND?
A. Network Deployment
Q.2. What is a Cluster?
A. Cluster is a logical name assigned to group of servers (JVMs).
Q.3. What are the different types of clusters?
A. Horizontal and Vertical cluster
Q.4. What is Horizontal and Vertical cluster?
A. A vertical cluster has cluster members on the same node, or a physical machine. A horizontal cluster has cluster members on multiple nodes across many machines in a cell.
Q.5. What is the difference between WAS v5.x and 6.x?
A. New concepts like Profiles and SIB (System Integration Bus) are introduced in v 6.0.
Q.6. What is the difference between an Application Server and a Web Server?
A. Application Servers hosts the java applications and Web Server is basically used for serving static HTML pages.
Q.7. What is a Plugin? Where is it installed?
A. WebSphere plug-in integrates with the HTTP Server and directs requests for WebSphere resources (servlets, JSPs, etc.) to the Websphere application server. The WebSphere plug-in uses a configuration file called plugin-cfg.xml file to determine which requests are to be handled by WebSphere. As applications are deployed to the WebSphere configuration, this file must be regenerated (typically using the Administration Console) and distributed to all Web servers, so that they know which URL requests to direct to WebSphere.
Q.8. What is the advantage of using Clusters?
A. Clustering provides workload management and failover of URL and EJB requests. The cluster can be on the same node or on different nodes.
Q.9. What is JDBC, JNDI?
A. JDBC – Java Database Connectivity
JNDI – Java Naming and Directory Interface.
Q.10. What is the command to add a node to the deployment manager?
A. $WAS_HOME/bin/addNode.sh NDHostName SOAPport
Q.11. With Java2Security enabled on WebSphere Application Server, and you are performing an Enterprise Application deployment, what security file is open during deployment?
A. was.policy
Q.12. Java2Security is enabled at the global level, and an application is deployed to a clustered vm, with a pair of cluster members. The application encountered performance problems due to Java2Security. The application team receives a waiver to disable Java2Security. Does J2Security need to be disabled at the global level or can it be disabled at the server level, leaving Java2Security enabled for other applications?
A. It can be disabled at the server level leaving it enabled for any other applications.
Q.13. What directory / directories might you find the following IBM script in a Network Deployment configuration?
A.under the bin directory for both the nodeagent / deployment manager
Q.14. Identify how you would use the PropFilePasswordEncoder.sh to encode the password for the following userid in the sas.client..props
# RMI/IIOP user identity
./bin/ PropFilePasswordEncoder.sh ../properties/sas.client.props com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword
Q.15. Identify the steps to enable the PMI (Performance Monitoring Interface).
A. From the Admin Console -> Monitoring and Tuning -> Performance Monitoring Infrastructure – Select the sever that you want to enable and select the Enable the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure.
Q.16. What is Garbage Collection?
A. Garbage collection is a process of automatically freeing objects that are no longer referenced by the program.
Q.17. Where would you enable Verbose Garbage Collection?
A. From the Admin Console:
Application Server -> ServerName -> Process Definition -> Java Virtural Machine – Select verbose garbage collection radio button.
Q.18. What log file would the verbose garbage collection output appear in?
A. native_stdout.log
Q 19. What is the IBM utility script that you can run to take a backup of the WebSphere configuration?
A. backupConfig.sh
Q. Using the Admin Console, where would you find an applications context root?
A. Enterprise Application -> Application - > Additional Properties –> View deployment descriptor.
Q. Using the Admin Console, how to find out the JVM HTTP port?
A. WAS 5.x
– Admin Console -> Servers -> Application Servers -> JVM -> Web Container -> HTTP Transports.
WAS 6.x
- Admin Console -> Servers -> Application Servers -> JVM -> Expand Ports under communications.
Q. How to find the admin console port?
Q. What is a Replication Domain?
A. A replication domain is a collection of replicator entry (or replicator) instances used by clusters or individual servers within a cell.
All replicators within a replication domain connect with each other, forming a network of replicators.
The default is to define a replication domain for a cluster when creating the cluster. However, replication domains can span across clusters.
Global default settings apply to all replication use for a given replication domain across a cell. Most default settings tune and control the behavior of replicator entries in managed servers across the cell. Such default settings control the use of encryption or the serialization and transferring of objects. Some default settings tune and control how specific WebSphere Application Server functions (for example, session manager and dynamic caching) leverage replication, such as session use of partitions.
For situations that require settings values other than the default, change the values for a given replication domain on the Internal Replication Domains page. Settings include various resource allocation, replication strategies (such as grouping or partitioning) and methods, as well as some security related items.
If you are using replication for HttpSession failover, you might also need to filter where the session replicates. For example, only replicate to two places out of many. The global default settings define the partition size or number of groups and the session manager settings define the groups to which a particular instance belongs.
Filtering is less important if you are using replication to distribute information on invalid data and actual cached data maintained by a Web container's dynamic caching. Replication does not occur for failover as much as for data synchronization across a cluster or cell when you likely want to avoid expensive costs for generating data potentially needed across those various servers.
Note that you can filter or segment by using multiple replication domains.
Q. What is SIB (Service Integration Bus)?
Q. What is the difference between SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log?
Q. What does native_stdout.log contains?
Q. What are the SDK versions supported on WAS 4, 4.X, 5, 5.X, 6, 6.X and 7?
A. WAS 7 – SDK 1.6
WAS 6.1.x – SDK 1.5
WAS 6.0.x – SDK 1.4.2
WAS 5.1.1 – SDK 1.4.2
WAS 5.1 – SDK 1.4.1
WAS 5.0.x – SDK 1.3.1
Q. How to check WAS Version / Build Level?
A. ./WAS_HOME/bin/versionInfo.sh
Q. What is the Default SOAP port number?
A. 8879
Q. What are different ways to capture heap dumps for a Websphere JVM?
Q. What do you understand by the term JMS?
A. Java Message Services, JMS, is Sun's standard API for message queuing systems. Message queuing systems form the front-line interface between businesses (B2B) and for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). As such, message queuing systems are often called "middleware" because they operate in the middle -- between other systems and between enterprises.
Q. What are the different JMS providers available in different WAS versions?
A. WAS 6
WebSphere Embedded Messaging
WebSphere MQ
V5 Default Messaging
Generic JMS Provider
WebSphere JMS Provider
WebSphere MQ JMS Provider
Q. What are console user roles available in WAS 5 and 6?
A. WAS 5 and WAS 6
Q. What are the authentication mechanisms available for Global Security in WAS?
A. 1. LTPA (Light weight Third Party Application)
2. SWAM (Simple WebSphere Authentication Mechanism)
Q. What are the User Registries supported by WebSphere for Global Security?
A. Local OS, LDAP and Custom User Registry
Q. How to change the JVM/Process/Diagnostic Trace log file locations for any JVM?
A. 1. Login to the Admin Console.
Q. What are the different types of logs available in WebSphere?
Diagnostic Trace
JVM Logs
Process Logs
IBM Service Logs
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